Wednesday night Bible study allows us to dive deeper into specific topics, lessons, and stories in the bible. Imagine a college-like course in the Bible with lectures and optional discussion throughout. This is designed for those who want to think critically about their faith, and typically taught by our Lead Pastor and resident Bible scholar.  6:30 pm


    We are currently re-examining our ministries to women at GCC so that we can better serve the needs of the faithful ladies in our church!


    Men's Weekly Bible Study: A laid back, discussion based, verse-by-verse Bible study facilitated by members of the church. Thursday mornings9:30-11:00 am


    The older adults of our church gather together once a month to encourage each other and have some fun. Our Senior Saints enjoy multiple events throughout the year. Some of these events include game nights, potluck meals, campfires, and dining at local restaurants. Anyone is welcome, although the group is designed for seniors.

    Any questions about upcoming events can be directed to our church office by phone.

Message from Joe

"GCC fosters an environment of mutual respect and human dignity where difficult questions are encouraged, participation is expected, and spiritual growth is demonstrated again and again. I am proud to be joined to a local church that is so honest and loving, yet authentically Christian with a diversity of thought. We have no affiliations with any denominations and we do not promote systematic theology or man-made doctrine. "

"That means we are FREE to explore life as disciples of Jesus. But I also acknowledge that it is scary to dive deeply into one's faith. To wrestle with ethics and meaning in life, to admit we need help, to repent and confess sin, to hold each other accountable, and to become more like Jesus each day is demanding work. If you do not have a healthy church home, come see what God is doing here at GCC. You might just have the gifts and insight we have been lacking."